The Raakshasas under the leadership of Vajradamshtra waged grim battle and slew
countless Vaanaras. And yet the Vaanara army stood firm and would not withdraw. Armed with
boulders and trees, they killed innumerable Raakshasas. On both sides the fighting was
intense. In the end, Angada and the Raakshasa chief fought hand to hand for a long while.
Vajradamshtra was slain, gallantly fighting to the last, and the Raakshasas fled in
confusion. The Vaanaras surrounded Angada and shouted in exultation.
Then Raavana ordered Prahasta: "Send
Akampana and let him have the most terrible Raakshasas to accompany him. Let them go and
slay Raama, Sugreeva and the Vaanara army. None can resist Akampana's might and
Accordingly, Prahasta sent an army of
Raakshasas under the leadership of Akampana. True to his name, Akampana was firm and
immovable in battle. He had chosen his weapons and his warriors carefully. As he
advanced, bad omens met him. But neither he nor his followers regarded them. The
noise of their challenge rose above that of the ocean. |