Then ensued a grim battle between the Vaanaras armed with boulders and trees and
the Raakshasa equipped with swords, spears, bows and axes. Exchanging showers of stones
for arrows and grappling in death grips at close quarters, both sides fought fiercely,
deluging the field with blood.
Prahasta's followers, Naraantaka,
Mahaanaada, Kumbhahanu and others were opposed by Dwivida, Durmukha and Jaambavaan and
stain. There was a prolonged battle between Prahasta and Neela. At last Prahasta, armed
with a massive mace of iron rushed towards Neela. Neela, for his part, uprooted a big
boulder and with it smashed Prahasta's head killing him on the spot.
The Raakshasa warriors fled in all
directions. After this great victory, Neela went to Raama, and Lakshmana and, bowing low,
told them what happened. Raama and Lakshmana praised his prowess and congratulated him. |