To confirm her faith, Hanumaan recounted once again the virtues and attractive
qualities of Raama and Lakshmana. He said: "What wonder is there in Raama
becoming friends with me and my king and the Vaanaras when the whole world lives and finds
bliss by his loving kindness?"
He proceeded to describe fully how the
quarrel arose between Vaali and Sugreeva, how the latter first met Raama and Lakshmana,
how they became friends, how Raama promised to slay Vaali and secure the Vaanara kingdom
for Sugreeva, how the Vaanaras had picked up and preserved the jewels dropped by Seeta,
how with mounting sorrow Raama recognised them, how Vaali was slain and Sugreeva crowned,
how after the rainy sea son was over the Vaanara hosts searched the whole world for Seeta,
how the party led by Angada and proceeding south having failed to find her, decided to
fast to death, how they met Sampaati and received a clue from him, how he, Hanumaan,
crossed the sea and searched the inner apartments of Raavana-all this he re counted. |