Seeta was
beside herself with joy. "My child," she said, "in deed I am Seeta,
daughter of the king of Videha and Sree Raamachandra's spouse. For twelve years I enjoyed
all happiness with him in Ayodhya. In the thirteenth year, King Dasaratha made
preparations to crown my husband. Then Kaikeyi, his youngest wife, reminded him of boons
he had granted long ago, and demanded that in redemption of his word he should crown her
son Bharata king, and exile Raama to the forest. She
threatened to kill herself if this was not done. Bound by promise the king had to yield to
her insistence. At his bidding Raama relinquished the crown and betook himself to the
forest not only without regret but happy that it was given to him to enable his father to
keep his plighted word. I refused to be left behind and insisted on going with my lord
into the forest. Even before me, Lakshmana had put on bark-garments, determined to
accompany his brother to the forest and serve him. |