"Our little mother will have to bear the grievous burden of the world's
blame, but our love for her should remain the same as ever. If, before this, there had
been evil in her thought, her conduct would have shown it. There is no doubt that some
higher force has made her say suddenly and harshly, 'Raama, go to the forest.' Otherwise
how could a high-minded woman who so far looked upon us as -her own children now behave so
brazenly before her husband? Who can oppose destiny? Even steadfast sages have swerved
suddenly from their tapas. How can poor Kaikeyi hope to resist fate?
"Let us resolve firmly to change this
sorrow into joy. That would be a proof of our nobility and courage, Lakshmana With the
blessings of my mothers and elders, I shall go to the forest. Bring here the water, the
water from the Ganga for the coronation. I shall use it for ablution before departing for
the forest. No. no, that water belongs to the State and is intended for the coronation. |