WHILE Bharata was thus engaged in trying to undo the mischief wrought by others,
in the forest hut at Chitrakoota, life went on fairly cheerfully. With Lakshmana and Seeta
by his side, Raama lacked nothing. The grandeur of the mountain scenery and the forest and
the sweet songs and play of the birds pleased his heart. He forgot the sorrow of his exile
from kinsfolk and city.
"Look, Seeta, at those birds
playing," he would say. "Look at that rock on the hill with the blue, yellow and
red veins shining on it. Look at these plants and creepers with their flowers. We feared
life in the forest, not knowing how pleasant it would be. I am so happy here. And I have
in addition to this pleasure the feeling that I carry out my father's promise. We have the
joy of duty done besides leading a happy life here. Over and above all this, I am happy
that my brother Bharata is ruling the kingdom. " |