At last his eyelids opened slightly and as one might brush away a mosquito while
still asleep he pushed them all aside and yawned. Kumbhakarna was thus disturbed in
his sleep which otherwise would have been months long.
But before be could find out the cause for
this, he began to eat and drink. The heaps of meat and the pots of blood and wine kept
ready for him were finished. When his hunger was somewhat mitigated the Raakshasas
approached him to acquaint him with the situation.
Raavana's minister Yoopaaksha said:
"My Lord, we have been defeated in battle and stand in grave danger. You will re
member the quarrel about Seeta. The Vaanaras with Raama and Lakshmana have arrived and are
breaking through the fort.
They have slaughtered and defeated our army
which never knew defeat before. Lanka is surrounded by the Vaanara host as by an ocean.
Raavana himself went to battle but he retired from the field having had the worst of it.
It was our good luck that he escaped with life." |