After sending away the other leaders, Sugreeva took Hanumaan aside and told him:
"Son of Vaayu, possessing the strength and splendour of your father, you alone can
succeed in this task. You have strength, courage and intelligence and on you I rely to
take up and discharge this responsibility of discovering Seeta."
Raama too felt that Hanumaan's efforts
would be crowned with success. Whatever obstacles turned up, he felt that Hanumaan would
find a way of overcoming them. He gave his signet ring to Hanumaan and said: "Take
this ring. I am full of hope that you will discover Seeta.' This ring will tell her that
you are my messenger. Dear Hanumaan, may you bring Seeta and me together again!"
Readers should realise the solemnity and
pathos of the scene, Raama full of abiding trust in the devoted loyalty and valour of
Hanumaan placing the ring as though it was his own hungry heart in his servant's hand and
the ideal servant accepting the sacred trust with a deep reverence and an unshakable
resolve never to fail his master. |