Very far they travelled southwards in
their search.
Passing through a desert, fainting with
hunger and thirst, they saw a cave from which issued a variety of bird - s full of the joy
of life. The gentle breeze which came out of it covered them with the pollen of lotus
flowers and filled them with fragrance. The Vaanaras concluded, "undoubtedly there
was water where the birds and perfume came from." And the Vaanaras forming a chain
with linked hands plunged cautiously into the dense dark ness of the cave with hearts full
of hope, though too parched with thirst even to shout.
At long last, all of a sudden, light
appeared and they saw a lovely grove with streams of pellucid water and trees bowing under
their wealth of fruit. Then they came to a city, with streets paved with jewels set in
gold and great palaces beautiful as a dream. They went along and then they saw an aged
tapasvini clad in the garments of a recluse and seated on a dark skin. The Vaanaras
trembled before the divine splendour of her face. |