"But first I must find out whether Seeta is alive or not. Other questions
can wait. When and how can I best enter this well guarded city? I have to search it
thoroughly, if I am to discover the place where Seeta is kept. If thoughtlessly I do
something wrong now, this error would be irretrievable and a great purpose would fail
because of haste or negligence on my part. If I enter the, city by day, it will be noticed
by the Raakshasas. It is best I go in at night. But in what shape shall I go? To ward off
suspicion, I must put on a trivial, inconspicuous shape."
Accordingly he shrank to the size of a
little monkey, no bigger than a cat. To enter and search the palaces and parks of this
vast city, this would be most convenient. His present form was as much smaller than his
usual size as the latter was than the mighty proportions he had assumed as he crossed the
sea. |