Volume - X
Major Sections
Culture Course


The temple of Lord Chitragupta at Kanchi is unique for two reasons: First, it islocated in Kanchi which stands foremost among the seven sacred places of India, as sung by the great Kalidasa:

"Pushpeshu Jati

Purusheshu Vishnu

Nadhishu Ganga

Nagareshu Kanchi"

The second reason is that the idol of Lord Chitragupta in the temple at Kanchi holds in the left-hand a Kadjam(book ofPalmyrah leaves) and in the right-hand a Kalam (stylus).

Lord Chitragupta stays in his celestial abode, Amaravati with His three consorts Prabhavati, Nilavati and Karnaki. Karnaki- devi bore eight sons to Him who are regarded as the forefathers of Karunee- gars of Karnataka.

The daily puja in this temple is done by a Barhman priest, but people of all castes and creeds, faiths and beliefs resort to
this temple on Chitra Poornima day in commemoration of the wedding ceremony of Chitragupta.

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About Lord Chitragupta

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