Mohammed married a
lady called Kadija. Many children were born to them. Only one girl survived. All the
others died. She was called Fatima. When Kadija
died, Mohammed married another woman called Ayesha.
Once the people of Arabia rebuilt the Kaaba in a city called
Mecca. Kaaba was their temple. The people invited Mohammed to install the black-stone in
the building. It was a great honour.
Mohammed became deeply religious. He often went to a cave near
Mecca and meditated on God for days together.
At that time people in Arabia worshipped many Gods. So the wise
men of the country came to Mohammed, and asked him to teach the people to worship the only
true God. Mohammed did so. He said: "True religion is worshipping the one God and
serving humanity. People must have faith in God, do good deeds, and treat all men as
brothers." |