Volume - V
Major Sections
Culture Course


In the beginning, many people laughed at him, some even stoned and insulted him. But as he was a man of God, Mohammed was not afraid. He went on preaching his message.

Slowly people began to understand his teaching, and many became his followers.

A time came when Mohammed's followers had to run away from Mecca to Abyssinia, a foreign country, in order to escape

persecution by their enemies. But Mohammed remained in Mecca. So he and his relatives had to suffer a great deal of harassment.

In Medina, however, another city of Arabia, most people became Mohammed's disciples. Later Mohammed also came to

Medina; for it was feared that if he stayed in Mecca his life might be in danger. Medina now became the city of Islam, the religion of the one God, preached by Mohammed.

Large numb6rs of people from Mecca came to Medina to fight Mohammed and his followers. Mohammed prayed to God, and the Meccans were defeated in the war. There was yet another war. In that war too Mohammed's followers won. At last -peace came and Mohammed went to Mecca, and blessed the people.

After Mohammed died, many people joined Islam. Islam is the religion preached by Mohammed. Today it has a great following

and Mohammed is known as the Prophet, because he brought the message of God.

The people of Islam pray: "God is great; there is only one God; Mohammed is God's messenger."

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