You are the
elder of the two sons, and you should be crowned king. Naturally, your father could not
accept an impossible condition." Devavrata
said: "Oh that is the reason!"
Devavrata decided in his mind that he would make it
possible for his father to marry the girl.
He went to the fisherman and said: "Sir, please give
your daughter in marriage to my father. I am the elder son and heir.
I promise that I will give up my claim to the throne, and
make the son born to your daughter king of Hastinapura."
The fisherman said: "I believe you. But later on when
you marry, and have a son, your wife and son may object!"
Devavrata swa the point. He then said: "If you think
so, I promise I will not marry at all. Are you now satisfied?"
he fisherman was somewhat taken aback, but said: "Now
I am satisfied. Your father can marry my daughter." |