and Pandu were Vichitraviryas sons. Pandus
sons were the Pandavas and Dhritarashtras sons, the kauravas.
Thus the Pandavas and Kauravas loved and respected Bhishma
as their grandfather.
Bhishma played a great part in the Mahabharata war.
He loved and respected Lord Krishna very much. He was the
first to sing the Gods praise with the Vishnu Sahasranama.
Bhishma lived for a hundred and eighty-sixyears!
He died of his own free will on the eighth day of the
bright half of Magh. That day is called Bhishmashtami.
Even now, we observe that day as his punya tithi year after
Bhishmas name has become proverbial for
self-sacrifice, truthfulness and wisdom. |