The first was
Devayani, daughter of Shukra of the Bhrigus, the guru of the Daityas. The second was
Sharmishtha, daughter of Vrisha Pavan, king of the Daityas. Thereby Yayati allied himself
both with the Daitya kings and their gurus, bringing the blood lines of both Devas and
Asuras and their gurus together. Yayati's
youngest son Puru, born of Sharmishtha of the Asuras, inherited his central Sarasvati
kingdom, which became the basis for many of the dynasties of later India including the
Kurus, under whose patronage the Vedas were compiled, who therefore had Asuric blood in
their veins. Yayati's oldest son Yadu, took over the region of the Daityas.
The Yadus then became a very powerful military people, perhaps reflecting their
Daitya connections. The Dravidians were regarded as descendants of Yayati's second son
Turvasha, who was also a son of Devayani and in the line of the Bhrigus. |