Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The
Modern World |
Books By David Frawley |
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are usually opposed to modern science. Many Christian and Islamic fundamentalists reject
the theory of evolution and insist that the world was created by God some 6000 years age.
Even in America Christian fundamentalists are typing to have the evolution theory taken
out. What scientific theories are Hindu fundamentalists opposed to and trying to prevent
being taught in schools today?
Fundamentalism creates various political parties limited to members of that religion only,
which aim at setting up religions dictatorships. What exclusively Hindu religious party
exists in India or elsewhere in the world, and what is its common Hindu fundamentalist
platform? Who is asking for a Hindu state that forbids the practice of other religions,
allows only Hindu religious centers to be built and requires a Hindu religious figures as
the head o the country? This is what other fundamentalist groups are asking for in terms
of their religions and what they have instituted in a number of countries that they have
taken power, like Iran and Saudi Arabia. |
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