This term is
used mainly relative to white chauvinists, those who think that whites are generally
better than dark-skinned people, or in the case of male chauvinists or those who think
that men are inherently better than women. Hindus may praise their religion, and Hindus
often use flowery and exaggerated language to praise things, but few if any Hindus are
claiming that Hindus own the truth and that those of other backgrounds or beliefs cannot
find it. Christians and Muslims routinely believe
that only members of their religion go to heaven and everyone else, particularly idol
worshiping people like Hindus, go to hell. Which Hindus chauvinists have similar ideas?
The Vatican recently toad its monks and nuns not to experiment with Yoga and Eastern forms
of religious practice, which it branded as selfish, false and misleading.
Should we not therefore call the Pope a Christian
chauvinist religious leader? Yet Hindus who are more tolerant than this may be designated
in such a manner. Hindus are not only not chauvinistic they are generally suffering
from a lack of self-esteem and an inferiority complex by which they are afraid to really
express themselves or their religion. |