Major Sections



Arise Arjuna

The Preface which was given by the Author "David Frawley" regarding this "Arjuna"


The world, perhaps as usual, is in a state of crisis. And in this extremity no nation has yet arisen as a defender of the Truth.


Hinduism In Crisis

Misrepresentations of
Hinduism in the Press 

The recent movement has an opposite intent-to embrace Western materialist culture and abandon traditional Hindu culture and spirituality perhaps altogether.


Hindus have a history of tolerance and respect for all religions, which is almost unparalleled in the rest of the world. 


Hindu Fundamentalism:
What Is It?

Leftist Scholarship in

Fundamentalism is an easily discernible phenomenon in belief-oriented religions like Christianity and Islam which have a simple and exclusive pattern to their faith. 


We have learned that the real truth has been that Marxism was the opiate of the intellectuals, as it has been called, not that religion itself is an illusion.


India and the Concept of Nation-State 

Religious Persecution in Pakistan 

India has been criticized for not succeeding in becoming a unified and disciplined modern nation-state like Japan and Germany.


The Ahmadiya mosque had been functioning for over fifty years. There was no dispute that the place belonged to the


Taking Offense At One's Religion Being Criticized

Vedanta, Unity and
Universality, The Unity of Truth

Not surprisingly she has fled the country, which obviously does not appear to be a safe place for her, or anyone who might question the majority religion of the land.


The sense of an underlying order, harmony or law behind existence is the basis of all systems of knowledge.


Practical Vedanta, the
Real Message of Swami Vivekananda

The Unity of Religion
and Unity of Truth

Those in India are
inclined to see Vivekananda's centenary as an anniversary of the revival of Hinduism in the modern world.


An attitude of tolerance, a kind of ecumenical spirit has gained favor with a number of groups today, particularly in India.


The Unity of Religion
and Religious Tolerance 

Swami Rama Tirtha on Islam

Those today who like to proclaim that all religions are one, seldom define what all religions have in common. 


Though his teachings are on par with Vivekananda-indeed often more poetic and inspiring-since he formed no organization they are not as well known. 


A Comment on Ram
Swarup's Hindu View of Christianity and Islam

Yogic Spirituality and

There are many books available in the world today that provide critiques of different religions from both religious and non-religious standpoint.


A number of those who proclaim that all religions are one like to carry this principle further and make the founders of all religions into Divine incarnations (avatars).


India and Hinduism in
the Mahabharata 

The Aryan Invasion of India Questioned in the Western Textbooks

These ideas are often used to discredit India as a real country or Hinduism as a valid religion. 


They destroyed the more advanced Dravidian civilization of the subcontinent, which is evidenced by the ruins of the Harappan or Indus civilization. 


The Aryan-Dravidian

The Unity of the Vedic
and Shaivite Religions

The darker-skinned Dravidians-and that the Dravidians were the original inhabitants of India whom the invading Aryans conquered and dominated. 


Shaivism has been regarded by many, particularly Western scholars, as Dravidian; that is, as an ethnic religion of South Indians.


The Ancestry of

East and West, Where is the Boundary?

Ravan was related to Lavana, also regarded as a Rakshasa, of Madhupura (Mathura) in the region of the Surasenas, who was conquered by Rama's brother Shatrughana.


One of the most common divisions in culture is that of humanity into East and West. While this can be a convenient way to designate different types of cultures. 


The Value of Hindu
Culture for the World

An American Discovers the Vedas

To find truth, all the great sages have told us that one must go beyond all outer divisions of race, creed, caste, nationality or culture.


In the modern world everyone, including Hindus, appears to be trying to adopt Western culture with its scientific and technological advances and economic affluence.


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