An attitude of
tolerance, a kind of ecumenical spirit has gained favor with a number of groups today,
particularly in India. It states that all religions are one and therefore worthy of equal
respect. It often adds that a person can find Truth by following with faith the religious
tradition in which he or she is born, whatever it may be. By this view the great religions of the world represent various
paths founded by God to bring people to the same realization. The differences between
religions are only differences of name and form that have arisen to communicate the same
Truth to people of different countries or cultures.
Those who espouse such views may have pictures of Christ or the Pope, Mecca or some Sufi
saint, some Hindu or Buddhist deities or gurus, or other icons from different religions.
They may honor the holy days of different religions, like celebrating Christmas, the birth
of Mohammed, or the birth of Krishna. |