Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The
Modern World |
Books By David Frawley |
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Such alliances
cannot be looked upon as unity in the true sense but may be no more than matters of
convenience. While there are common principles that can be used to gradually unite
religions, just as those to unite countries, or at least promote tolerance between them,
these are rather vaguely defined and not widely accepted by most of the followers of
different religious activity that is central to certain religions, which aims at
conversion, would be unnecessary and would be stopped, which is hardly likely to occur.
Truth indeed is One, like the sun that shines equally on all people. There is not a
different Truth for people of different religious beliefs any more than there is different
sun or moon. There are also many paths to Truth both known and unknown. Truth is infinite
and can be approached through a great diversity of paths and expressed in innumerable
names and forms. It has the room to accommodate any number of teachings and embraces all
the universe. |
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