The temple of
Truth cannot be made by making all religions equal but by ending the hold of religious and
all other dogma on the human mind. The book of Truth may not consist of equal selections
from the most prominent scriptures of the world today. It may give more weight to
teachings not recognized as scriptures or perhaps not even regarded as religious, and
regard some of what we consider to be scriptures as not significant. Nor may the vision of Truth interpret the so-called scriptures of
the world in the same way as most of those who believe in those scriptures. The book of
Truth may in fact have little to do with any set formulation and may be discoverable only
to the extent that we are able to go beyond words, names and identities.
It is necessary to revive the religion of Truth, not to
sanction religious beliefs of all kinds. This religion of Truth is Sanatana Dharma or the
Eternal Religion, which is the real name of Hinduism, and the only foundation upon which
any religion possesses validity. To reestablish it we must set up universal truths, like
the evolution of the soul through the cycles of rebirth, and a spiritual science, like the
practice of Yoga and meditation. |