Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The
Modern World |
Books By David Frawley |
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The Truth is
that what we call religion, particularly in the Western world, is usually opposed to the
real spirit of Truth or Self-realization. In this regard the organized religions of the
world may be more mistakes than paths to enlightenment, and at best have preliminary
value. Nor should the founding of an organized religion necessarily be looked upon as a
sign of greatness is a spiritual personage. Many great saints and sags, including some of
the greatest, never founded any religion and many have been entirely forgotten by history.
Those whom we regard as the founders of religion, on the other hand, may not have
subscribed to the beliefs and practices of their so-called followers.
If Hinduism has any value it is not as a means of giving credence to anything that might
call itself religion but to give credence to the individual the real bearer of the flame
of the scared-to pursue his or her path to enlightenment, without having to bow down to
organized religion and its dogma. Hinduism in its true sense is the religion of the
individual (Atman or Purusha). It provides tools and practices, like yogic practices and
meditation, so that we can come to our own direct experience of Truth or the Divine.
Hinduism does not insist upon any particular approach or dogmatic formulation. In this
respect Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma regards most of what is called religion on this
planet, the setting up of dogma, as fundamentally irreligious. |
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