The openness of
Hinduism should not be used to sanction the dogma of other religious groups, though it
does not prevent us from respecting the Truth in whatever form we encounter it.
There is no Dharma or religion higher than Truth. The truth is not that all religions are
one but that, just as there is only one science, so there is only one religion, the
religion of Truth. This religion of Truth is not an
organization, nor limited to a particular book, person or name of the Divine. We join it
to the extent that we follow the Truth. We fall from it to the extent that we follow the
ways of ignorance and division. This religion of Truth transcends all names and numbers
and has nothing to do with converts.
When we make different religion of Truth equally valid,
even if they are contradictory, we are denying the real unity and university of Truth and
making it a slave to human opinion. In that religion of Truth all the accepted and most
prominent religions of today may not be equal or have the same place, nor may they
represent the full scope of Truth. Some may have a minor place and other teachings not
formally religious may have a more significant value. |