Major Sections




We live in the age of Science. The frontiers of our knowledge are receding everyday.             


The following book unfolds an intellectual and spiritual journey from the West to the East such as a number of people have traveled in recent times. 



Early Years 

Most of us are familiar with accounts of how a person has changed from one religion to another, becoming a Christian, Muslim or a Buddhist. 


I always had a certain mystical sense, going back to early childhood. 



Spiritual Paths And Discovery Of The Vedas

India And Hinduism, The Spiritual Traditions

At the beginning of 1970 in Denver I found a local guru who introduced me to many spiritual teachings.          


I had studied Hindu teachings and corresponded with ashrams and teachers in India for many years.    


Discovery Of Social And Political Hinduism

Journalistic Work

On my first trip to India I met an individual who would have a decisive influence on my life and thought.              


I have always written about whatever subjects I studied from poetry and philosophy to medicine and astrology.      


Ancient India And Vedic Knowledge

Hindu Groups In The West

The ancient world contained many spiritual wonders, magnificent temples, great pyramids, secret knowledge and enlightened sages. 


Parallel to my work in India I began working with Hindu groups in the United States.


Additional Studies Of Christianity And Islam

 Return Of The Pagans

There should be no effort to force any religion upon anyone. The first commandment of God should be, respect the Divine Self in all. 


Once human beings communed freely with the forces of nature. They felt a spirit in every hill or vale.                     


Debate With The Archbishop Of Hyderabad

The Debate Goes On

In late 1998 a Hindu backlash occurred against the Christian conversion effort in India.


As a follow-up to my debate with Archbishop Arulappa, Pope John Paul II visited India in November 1999, about the time that I was finishing this book.                   


Systems Of Vedic Knowledge

Towards a New Western Hinduism

The Vedas contain keys both to Cosmo genesis and to individual transformation.     


In the period from the mid-eighties I worked with various western yoga groups.               



The Meaning Of The Term Hindu

Hindu Dharma came to me over a long period of time, in many forms, through many people, as well as through a deeper consciousness.   


In the Vedic age the land of India was called Sapta Sindhu, the land of the seven rivers. 


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