How I Became A Hindu - My Discovery Of Vedic Dharma
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Books By David Frawley
Western Yoga Teachers and Yoga Groups

In the period from the mid-eighties I worked with various western yoga groups. While this occurred mainly through Ayurvedic medicine I brought in the Vedas, Vedic astrology, Vedanta and Hinduism. I tried to present an integral Ayurveda that did not stop with the body but considered prana, mind and consciousness – a full life science.

In the process I came to know many leaders in the Yoga field, both western asana experts and prominent gurus from India. I was able to experience their teachings first hand and learned how they functioned behind the scenes. In the process I discovered that few American yoga students considered themselves to be  Hindus. Few knew what Hinduism was. Many blindly accepted common media and missionary stereotypes as true. Most didn’t  know Vedanta or what the Vedas dealt with. Many didn’t regard these as important.


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