Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The
Modern World |
Books By David Frawley |
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Who are you,
then, to create differences and disunity in the so-called Kafirs and the Muslims, when God
is common to all? Please reflect and say honestly, if you yourself are a real Muslim? Are
you not a Kafir yourself, when you deny God, by acting practically all the time with
selfish motives? This is certainly not the teaching of Islam, the religion of peace."
"Rama regrets very much to have to say all this. But since Rama has great respect and
regard for Islam, due to its simplicity and direct faith in God and, since he takes the
Muslims as his own self, he does not feel any hesitation in speaking frankly and
fearlessly to his own self. Rama says with love and good intentions only what he thinks to
be right from his own experience and observation, because it is sin to hide anything from
his own dear ones. If he is wrong he may be corrected, Rama will not have the least
objection to this." |
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