They were raped
and used to satisfy the lust of the guardians of Islam. By the misuse of the words Kufr
and Kafir, millions of innocent children were rendered orphans and forced to lead a
life of immorality by the soldiers of Islam.
"What is all this for? Is this your Islam which you call the Religion of peace? Is
terrorism the only way to make people accept Islam? This is what your own history says.
This is what the world has seen of Islam. This is what the Indians have experienced.
And this is what the Muslims are even today practicing in
India on the smallest pretext, during the communal riots, said to be engendered at the
behest of our alien rulers. But no. This is not the teaching of Islam, the Religion of
peace. It is due to the wrong interpretation of the words Kufra and
Kafir." "Rama has no ill will against any one of you, because he knows
that the Muslim masses are misinformed and that, taking advantage of their ignorance
of the Arabic language in which the holy Koran has been written, they are still being
misled by their fanatic and selfish leaders." |