How then do we
discover this wisdom tradition? It is not merely a human
phenomenon but is inherent in the cosmic mind. It is the basis
of all creation and the very intelligence behind the workings of
nature. Only through diving deep into the cosmic mind through
profound meditation can we approach this universal knowledge. It
requires divesting ourselves of all beliefs and preconceptions
and coming into contact with the ground of Being itself. Then
such Truth can come through us apart from the limitations of our
human mind and personality.
The conscious
seeking of universal spiritual Truth, however, has not always
been the isolated phenomenon that it has been in the Western
world, which has been dominated either by belief-oriented
religion or materialistic science. There is one religion which
has always formulated itself as a universal tradition. This is
the religion we know as Hinduism, whose correct name is Sanatana
Dharma, literally "the universal or eternal
Hinduism does not
rest upon any singular formation or belief system but has
remained open to all approaches to Truth, through a great
variety of spiritual teachers and practices apart from any
organized dogma.