How I Became A Hindu My Discover Of Vedic Dharma
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Books By David Frawley
Hindu Groups In The West
The Swami Narayan Order

The Swami Narayan order is probably the best organized Hindu sect, as well as the most modern in its technology and media resources. At the same time it is probably the best disciplined and the most ascetic of modern Hindu monastic orders.

I was first invited by the Swami Narayan order to their Cultural Festival of India in New Jersey in 1991, to speak before the youth, a role that I would come to take in many different forums. One of the young monks had read my Arise Arjuna article and on the pretext invited me. There I had the darshan of Pramukh Swami, their current head and a great Sadhu. Later I visited their temple in India at Akshar Dham in Gujarat where I spoke at a conference on the Role of the Guru. I also visited their beautiful marble temple in London (Neasdon) during a trip to UK.

Most important was my visit to their Cultural Festival of India in 1997 in Mumbai, which marked Pramukh Swami’s seventy-fifth birthday, on which occasion I gave a short talk. The Swami Narayan Order had taken a piece of land in the slums of Mumbai and turned it into a modern temple and garden complex showing a futuristic Hinduism with the power to solve all the world’s problems. Such is the power of real devotion.


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About Hindu Groups In The West
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Hindu Student Council Pg1
Global Vision 2000 Pg1
Swami Narayan Order Pg1
Tour Of Uk Pg1
Tour Of Uk Pg2
Trinidad Pg1
Trinidad Pg2