How I Became A Hindu My Discover Of Vedic Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Hindu Groups In The West
The Diaspora of Hindus globally is now quite large, extending to over ten million, and growing rapidly. Often in a foreign context one appreciates one’s background better. Hindus are generally more aware of their Hinduness outside of India. That they are targeted by missionaries makes them more conscious of it.

I noted that Hindus do better outside of India, excelling in education and in business. Their very Hindu values of family and learning help them. So it is not Hinduism that makes India poor and inefficient, but the bureaucracy, whose origin is in the British system and in Nehru’s adoption of a Soviet style economy. As India comes more under Hindu political and economic values its economic and education levels will rise  dramatically.

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About Hindu Groups In The West
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Hindu Student Council Pg1
Global Vision 2000 Pg1
Swami Narayan Order Pg1
Tour Of Uk Pg1
Tour Of Uk Pg2
Trinidad Pg1
Trinidad Pg2