How I Became A Hindu - My Discovery of Vedic Dharma
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Books By David Frawley
Hopefully, the book can help reawaken this original creative vision of the species that holds the key of transformation for our present darker world. In my books to date I have written little about myself. This book is a departure and is centered on my own life-experience. The book is autobiographical in tone, but it is not so much an account of my personal life as about how certain changes occurred in my psyche. 

It focuses on an inner transformation that fundamentally altered who I am and changed my perception of both self and world. In my case I simply didn’t build bridges to the East, I crossed over them and left them far behind. I immersed my being in the soul of the East so completely that I almost ceased to be a westerner, not only in my thoughts but also in my instincts. 

I moved from a western intellectual rationality to a deeper cosmic rationality born of Vedic insight, moving from a humanistic to a cosmic logic and sense of cosmic law. I trace these changes in order to make them accessible for others, should they wish to follow a similar direction. 


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