I Became A Hindu - My Discovery of Vedic Dharma |
By David Frawley |
have recounted my journey and the bridges over which I once
traveled, and how I experienced life while I was still on the other
side, so that others can take a similar path. I moved through
western culture to the yogic culture of India that seemed ever more
expansive, enlightened and happy.
I sought the source of that tradition in the
ancient Vedas, the oldest wisdom teachings of India, which
became my spiritual home and in which I found an untapped treasure
house of inexhaustible insight. It was a great adventure with many
interesting, if not amazing experiences that transcended my earlier
worldview and brought me into a new life and consciousness.
But the journey was arduous and quite challenging.
I often thought of turning back and actually did so for certain
periods of time. I fell down many times but always eventually got up
and kept on going. I had to go beyond not only my own personal and
family background but beyond my entire culture and education.
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