I Became A Hindu My Discover Of Vedic Dharma |
Books By David Frawley |
India: Myth Of The Aryan Invasion |
term Aryan in the Vedas has nothing to do with race, language or one
group of human beings attacking another. It is a term for good,
noble or refined as opposed to those who are evil, ignoble or
vulgar. The use of Aryan in a racial sense was an invention of
European thinkers steeped in the colonial era and its racist
Civilization all over the world is the product of
a commingling of different streams, which is the main Vedic
image of life. It comes about through the free interchange of ideas,
customs and commodities. It is not the result of some
imagine racial or linguistic purity but occurs when people of
various backgrounds come together and share their diversity.
To try to explain civilization as the product of one race or another
is itself racism. To try to explain the development of culture
through racial invasions and migrations ignores the creative work of
people in the place where they live.
The idea of an Aryan race invading and colonizing
India was the shadow of the European colonial model on history that
reflected nineteenth century Eurocentric views. It is quite contrary
to the Vedic view of many Gods and Goddesses in a wonderful,
friendship, harmony and inner unity.
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Myth Of The Aryan Invasion |