How I Became A Hindu My Discover Of Vedic Dharma
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Books By David Frawley
Ancient India: Myth Of The Aryan Invasion

Gaining the Ire of Academia

Several academicians, particularly in the West, have criticized my Vedic work, not so much because of the points that I raise but because of my lack of academic qualifications. Since I don’t have a degree in Indology from a western university they hold that anything I say cannot have value and can be rejected without examination. That I have spent many years studying the Vedas and discussing them with traditional teachers doesn’t count for them. Few of these scholars have studied the Vedas in the original Sanskrit. Relying on secondhand and outdated sources they often make the most elementary errors in interpretation. The same people reject the views of great yogis like Sri Aurobindo on the Vedas. But they will give credibility to a communist scholar on the Vedas if he has the appropriate university credentials!

Most academicians refuse to address the issues like the Sarasvati River and the many sites discovered along it. They use the charge of Hindu politics to dismiss any criticism of the Aryan Invasion theory, though colonial, missionary and Marxist groups have long used the theory for their own political gain.


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About Myth Of The Aryan Invasion
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg 2
Introduction Pg 3
Subhash Kak 
N.S. Rajaram  
The Birla Science Conference
World Association 
Gaining the Ire of Academia... Pg1
Gaining the Ire of Academia... Pg2
The Vedic Yoga. Pg1
The Vedic Yoga. Pg2
The Vedic Samaj. Pg1
Principles Of Vedic Samaj