Deva means a deity, a demigod, a celestial person, the
agent of God, one who fulfills desires and protects. The Devas, nourished by
Yajna, will give you the desired objects. One who enjoys the gift of the Devas without
offering them (anything in return) is, indeed, a thief. (3.12)
The righteous who eat the remnants of the Yajna are
freed from all sins, but the impious who cook food only for themselves (without sharing with others in charity) verily eat sin. (3.13)
The living beings are born from food, food is produced
by rain, rain comes by performing Yajna. The Yajna is performed by doing Karma. (See also 4.32) (3.14)
The Karma or duty is prescribed in the Vedas. The
Vedas come from Brahman. Thus the all-pervading Brahman is ever present in Yajna or service. (3.15) |