Such a person soon becomes righteous and attains
everlasting peace. Be aware, O Arjuna, that My devotee never falls down. (9.31)
Anybody, including women, merchants, laborers, and
the evil-minded can attain the supreme goal by just surrendering unto My will (with loving devotion), O
Arjuna. (See also 18.66) (9.32)
Then, it should be very easy for the holy
Brahmans and devout royal sages (to attain the Supreme state). Therefore, having obtained this joyless and transient
human life, one should always remember Me with loving devotion. (9.33)
Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me,
and bow down to Me. Thus uniting yourself with Me, and setting Me as the supreme goal and sole refuge, you
shall certainly realize (or come to) Me. (9.34)