the ignorance of metaphysics (the transcendental knowledge, or
Self-knowledge), is humanity's greatest predicament and the root of
all evils in the society today. In this rendering an attempt has
been made to keep the style as close as possible to the original
Sanskrit poetry and yet make it easy to read and understand.
The simpler 133 key verses out of 700
total verses of the Gita are selected for this introductory
correspondence course for the beginners and busy people as well as
for the daily reading of the Gita. This is just a sample page, ask
for complete free Gita Correspondence Course. he sample verses: Just
as the soul acquires a childhood body, a youth body, and an old age
body during this life similarly, the soul or Atma acquires another
new body after death. The wise should not become bewildered by the
thoughts of unavoidable death. (2.13).
NOTE: The first number under the
parenthesis is the Chapter number, the second number is the verse
number in the Gita. One has the ability and privilege to do one's
respective duty, but has no control over the results. The fruits
of work should not be the motive. Also, one should never
remain inactive. (2.47).