Bhagwad Gita
Major Sections


Dhritirashtra. Ranged thus for battle on the sacred plain On Kurukshetra say, Sanjaya! say What wrought my people, and the Pandavas? 

Sanjaya. When he beheld the host of Pandavas, Raja Duryodhana to Drona drew, And spake these words: "Ah, Guru! see this line, How vast it is of Pandu fighting-men, Embattled by the son of Drupada, Thy scholar in the war! Therein stand ranked Chiefs like Arjuna, like to Bhima chiefs, Benders of bows; Virata, Yuyudhan, Drupada, eminent upon his car, Dhrishtaket, Chekitan, Kasi's stout lord, Purujit, Kuntibhoj, and Saivya,  With Yudhamanyu, and Uttamauj Subhadra's child; and Drupadi's;- all famed!

All mounted on their shining chariots! On our side, too,- thou best of Brahmans! see Excellent chiefs, commanders of my line, Whose names I joy to count: thyself the first, Then Bhishma, Karna, Kripa fierce in fight, Vikarna, Aswatthaman; next to these Strong Saumadatti, with full many more Valiant and tried, ready this day to die For me their king, each with his weapon grasped, Each skilful in the field.

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