Major Sections
Bhagwad Gita


Chapter : 1  Arjun Vishad

Chapter : 2 Sankhya Yog 

Dhritaraashtra Ranged thus for battle on the sacred plain On Kurukshetra say, Sanjaya! say What wrought my people, and the Pandavas? 


Sanjaya. Him, filled with such compassion and such grief, With eyes tear-dimmed despondent, in stern words The Driver, Madhusudan, thus addressed:


Chapter : 3 Karma Yog 

Chapter : 4 Jnana Yog 

Arjuna. Thou whom all mortals praise, Janardana! If meditation be a nobler thing Than action, wherefore, then, great Kesava!


Krishna. This deathless Yoga, this deep union, I taught Vivaswata, the Lord of Light; Vivaswata to Manu gave it; he To Ikshwaku; 


Chapter : 5 Karmasanyasa Yog

Chapter : 6 Atmasanyama Yog 

Arjuna. Yet, Krishna at the one time thou dost laud Surcease of works, and, at another time, Service through work.


Krishna. Therefore, who doeth work rightful to do, Not seeking gain from work, that man, O Prince!


Chapter : 7 Vijnana Yog 

Chapter : 8 Akshara- parabrahma yog

Krishna. Learn now, dear Prince! how, if thy soul be set Ever on Me- still exercising Yog, Still making Me thy Refuge- thou shall come Most surely unto perfect hold of Me.


Arjuna. Who is that BRAHMA? What that Soul of Souls, The ADHYATMAN? What, Thou Best of All! Thy work, the KARMA?


Chapter : 9 Rajavidya - rajaguhya yog 

Chapter : 10  Vibhuti Yog 

Krishna. Now will I open unto thee- whose heart Rejects not- that last lore, deepest-concealed, That farthest secret of My Heavens and Earths. 


Krishna. Hear farther yet, thou Long-Armed Lord! these latest words I say- Uttered to bring thee bliss an  peace, who lovest Me always.-


Chapter : 11  Viswarupa- darsanam

Chapter : 12 Bhakti - Yog

Arjuna. This, for my soul's peace, have I heard from Thee, 


Arjuna. Lord! of the men who serve Thee- true in heart- As God revealed; 


Chapter : 13 Kshetrakshetra- jnavibhaga Yog

Chapter : 14 Gunatrayavibhaga Yog 

Arjuna. Now would I hear, O gracious Kesava! Of Life which seems, and Soul beyond, which sees, And what it is we know- or think to know. 


Krishna. Yet farther will I open unto thee This wisdom of all wisdoms, uttermost, The which possessing, all My saints have passed To perfect ness.


Chapter : 15 Purushottamaprapti Yog

Chapter : 16 Daivasarasaupadwibhaga Yog 

Krishna. Men call the Aswattha,- the Banyan-tree,- Which hath its boughs beneath, its roots above,- The ever-holy tree.


Krishna. Fearlessness, singleness of soul, the will Always to strive for wisdom; opened hand And governed appetites; and piety, 


Chapter : 17 Sraddha -  trayavibhaga Yog 

Chapter : 18 Mokshasanyasa Yog 

Arjuna. If men forsake the holy ordinance, Heedless of Shastras, yet keep faith at heart And worship, what shall be the state of those, Great Krishna!


Arjuna. Fain would I better know, Thou Glorious One! The very truth- Heart's Lord!- of Sannyas, Abstention; and Renunciation, Lord! 


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