Major Sections
Bhagwad Gita : Meaning


Chapter : 1 Arjuna's Dilemma

Chapter : 2 Transcendental Knowledge 

Dhritaraashtra said: O Sanjaya, assembled in the holy field of Kurukshetra and eager to fight, what did my people and the Paandavas  do? 


Sanjaya said: Lord Krishna spoke these words to Arjuna whose eyes were tearful and downcast, and who was overwhelmed with compassion and despair.


Chapter : 3 Path Of Karma - Yoga 

Chapter : 4 Renunciation with Knowledge 

Arjuna said: If You consider that transcendental knowledge is better than work then why do You want me to engage in this horrible war, O Krishna?


The Supreme Lord said: I taught this imperishable (science of right action, or) Karma-yoga to (King) Vivas-vaan. Vivasvaan taught it to Manu. Manu taught it to Ikshavaaku.


Chapter : 5  Path Of Renunciation 

Chapter : 6 Path Of Meditation 

Arjuna said: O Krishna, You praise transcendental knowledge (the Saamkhya or Karma - Samnyasa) and also performance of unattached action, Karma-yoga.


The Supreme Lord said: One who performs the prescribed duty without seeking its fruit is a Samnyasi and a (Karma) yogi, not the one who merely does not light the sacred are, and does not work.


Chapter : 7 Self-Knowledge And Self-Realization 

Chapter : 8  Imperishable Brahman 

The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, listen how you shall know Me completely without any doubt, with your mind absorbed in Me, taking refuge in Me, and performing yogic practices.


Arjuna said: O Krishna, what is Brahman? What is Adhyaatma? What is Karma? What is called Adhibhoota? And what is known as Adhidaiva?


Chapter : 9 Supreme Knowledge

Chapter : 10 Manifestation Of The Absolute 

The Supreme Lord said: I shall reveal to you, who do not disbelieve, the most profound secret of Self-knowledge and Self-realization.


The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, listen once again to My supreme word that I shall speak to you, who are dear, for your welfare.


Chapter : 11  Vision Of The Cosmic Form 

Chapter : 12 Path Of Devotion

Arjuna said: My illusion is dispelled by Your profound words, that You spoke out of compassion towards me, about the supreme secret of the Self.


Arjuna said: Those ever-steadfast devotees (or Bhaktas) who thus worship You (as the manifest or personal God)


Chapter : 13 Creation And Creator 

Chapter : 14 Three Gunas Of Nature 

The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, this body (the miniature universe) may be called the field or creation.


The Supreme Lord said: I shall further explain to you that supreme knowledge, the best of all knowledge, knowing that all the sages have attained supreme perfection after this life.


Chapter : 15 Supreme Spirit 

Chapter : 16  Devine And Demonic Qualities 

The Supreme Lord said: They (or the wise) speak of the eternal Ashvattha tree having its origin above (in unmanifest Brahman) and its branches below (in the cosmos) whose leaves are the (Vedic) hymns.


The Supreme Lord said: Fearlessness, purity of heart, perseverance in the yoga of knowledge, charity, sense restraint, sacrifice, study of the scriptures, austerity, honesty.


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