Arjuna said: O Krishna, You praise
knowledge (the Saamkhya or Karma-Samnyasa) and also performance of unattached
action, Karma-yoga. Tell me, definitely, which one is better of the two. (See also 5.05)
Karma-Samnyasa means renunciation of
doership, ownership, and selfish motive behind an action, and not the
renunciation of work, or the worldly objects. Karma-Samnyasa comes
only after the dawn of
Self- knowledge. Therefore, words Jnana, Saamkhya, Samnyasa, and Karma-Samnyasa are used
interchangeably throughout the Gita.
Renunciation is considered the goal of life, and Karma and Jnana are the necessary means to
achieve the goal.
The Supreme Lord said: Karma-Samnyasa, and Karma-yoga both lead to the
Supreme. But, of the two, Karma- yoga is superior to Karma-Samnyasa. (5.02) |