The Supreme Lord said: I taught this imperishable
(science of right action, or) Karma-yoga to (King) Vivas-vaan. Vivasvaan taught it to Manu. Manu taught it to
Ikshavaaku. (4.01)
Thus handed down in succession the royal sages knew
this (Karma-yoga). After a long time the science of
Karma-yoga was lost from this earth. (4.02)
Today I have described the same ancient science to you,
because you are my sincere devotee and friend. Karma-yoga is a supreme secret indeed. (4.03)
Arjuna said: You were born later, but Vivasvaan was
born in ancient time. How am I to understand that
You taught this yoga in the beginning (of the creation)? (4.04)
The Supreme Lord said: Both you and I have taken
many births. I remember them all, O Arjuna, but you do not remember. (4.05)