Verily there is no
purifier in this world like knowledge. One who becomes purified by Karma-yoga discovers this
knowledge within (naturally) in course of time. (See also 4.31, and 5.06). (4.38)
The one who has faith, and is sincere, and has mastery
over the senses, gains this knowledge. Having gained this, one at once attains the supreme peace. (4.39)
But the ignorant, who has no faith and is full of doubt
(about the Self), perishes. There is neither this world nor the world beyond nor happiness for the one who
doubts. (4.40)
Karma does not bind one who has renounced work (by
renouncing the fruits of work) through Karma-yoga; whose doubt is completely destroyed by knowledge; and who is
Self-realized, O Arjuna. (4.41)
Therefore, resort to Karma-yoga and cut the ignorance-born doubt abiding in your heart by the sword of Self-
knowledge, and get up (to fight), O Arjuna. (4.42) |