Krishna. Learn now, dear Prince! how, if thy soul be set
Ever on Me- still exercising Yog, Still making Me thy Refuge- thou shalt come
Most surely unto perfect hold of Me. I will declare to thee that utmost lore, Whole and particular, which, when
thou knowest, Leaved no more to know here in this world.
Of many thousand mortals, one, perchance,
Strived for Truth; and of those few that strive- Nay, and rise high- one only- here and there-
Knoweth Me, as I am, the very Truth.
Earth, water, flame, air, ether, life,
and mind, And individuality- those eight Make up the showing of Me, Manifest.
These be my lower Nature; learn the higher, Whereby, thou Valiant One! this Universe Is,
by its principle of life, produced; Whereby the worlds of visible
things are born As from a Yoni. Know! I am that womb: I make and I
unmake this Universe: Than me there is no other Master, Prince! No other Maker! All these hang on me
As hangs a row of pearls upon its string.