Bhagwad Gita
Major Sections


The heart thus asking favour from its God, Darkened but ardent, hath the end it craves, The lesser blessing- but 'tis I who give! Yet soon is withered what small fruit they reap: Those men of little minds, who worship so, Go where they worship, passing with their gods. But Mine come unto me! Blind are the eyes Which deem th' Unmanifested manifest, Not comprehending Me in my true Self! Imperishable, viewless, undeclared, Hidden behind my magic veil of shows, I am not seen  by all; I am not known- Unborn and  changeless- to the idle world.

But I, Arjuna! know all things which were, And all which are, and all which are to be, Albeit not one among them knoweth Me!  By passion for the "pairs of opposites," By those twain snares of Like and Dislike, Prince! All creatures live bewildered, save some few  Who, quit of sins, holy in act, informed, Freed from the "opposites," and fixed in faith, Cleave unto Me. 

Who cleave, who seek in Me Refuge from birth and death, those have the Truth! Those know Me BRAHMA: know Me Soul of Souls, The ADHYATMAN: know KARMA, my work; Know I am ADHIBHUTA, Lord of Life, And ADHIDAIVA, Lord of all the Gods, And ADHIYAJNA, Lord of Sacrifice; Worship Me well, with hearts of love and faith, And find and hold me in the hour of death.

HERE ENDETH CHAPTER VII OF THE BHAGAVAD-GITA, Entitled "Vijnanayog," Or "The Book of Religion by Discernment."

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