Then, O King! to God, so saying, Stood, to Pritha's Son displaying
All the splendour, wonder, dread Of His vast Almighty-head. Out of
countless eyes beholding, Out of countless mouths commanding,
Countless mystic forms enfolding In one Form: supremely standing
Countless radiant glories wearing, Countless heavenly weapons
bearing, Crowned with garlands of star-clusters, Robed in garb of
woven lustres, Breathing from His perfect Presence Breaths of every
subtle essence Of all heavenly odours; shedding Blinding
brilliance; overspreading- Boundless, beautiful- all spaces With His
all-regarding faces;
So He showed! If there should rise
Suddenly within the skies Sunburst of a thousand suns Flooding earth
with beams undeemed-of, Then might be that Holy One's Majesty and
radiance dreamed of! So did Pandu's Son behold All this
universe enfold All its huge diversity Into one vast shape, and be
Visible, and viewed, and blended In one Body- subtle,
splendid, Nameless- th' All-comprehending God of Gods,
the Never-Ending Deity!