of all souls the Soul! The Comprehending Whole! Of being formed, and
formless being the Framer; O Utmost One! O Lord! Older than eld, Who
stored The worlds with wealth of life! O Treasure-Claimer,
Who wottest all, and art Wisdom Thyself! O Part In all, and All; for
all from Thee have risen Numberless now I see The aspects are of
Thee! Vayu Thou art, and He who keeps the prison
Of Narak, Yama dark; And Agni's shining
spark; Varuna's waves are Thy waves. Moon and starlight
Are Thine! Prajapati Art Thou, and 'tis to Thee They
knelt in worshipping the old world's far light, The first of
mortal men.
Again, Thou God! again A thousand
thousand times be magnified! Honour and worship be- Glory
and praise,- to Thee Namo, Namaste, cried on every
side; Cried here, above, below, Uttered when Thou dost go, Uttered
where Thou dost come! Namo! we call; Namostu! God adored!
Namostu! Nameless Lord Hail to Thee! Praise to Thee Thou One in all;