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Bharateeya Historiography
Antiquity with Prosperity:

Ramapithacus, a fossil of man's jaw bone, found in Sarasvati river area is dated lakhs of years before present (BP). Dr. V. S. Wakankar was very famous for his researches in rock paintings. An American scholar working under him dated the rock paintings in Madhya Pradesh as belonging to 35000 years BP. Dr. E. A. V. Prasad of Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi studied and wrote a book, 'Underground water in Varahamihir's Brihatsamhita'. On the basis of this knowledge, he was able to spot thirty places in the drought effected Saurashtra (Gujrat) in June 1988, where the modern water diviners had failed and where, after drilling, they found water at the depth he had predicted. The date of Varahamihira is in fifth century AD In his treatise, Brihatsamhita, he has written that he had secured the ancient books written by Manu, Baladeva and Saraswata Muni to write his treatise. There are many more examples like this.

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Bharateeya Historiography
Acceptance of Antiquity By Later Publishers
Antiquity With Prosperity
Continuous Hindu Social Life
Dates Noted But Not Stated
Ample Historic Literature
History Not Only Popular But Also Revered
Aimed To Culture Individual Mind
Aim Fulfilled
Studies And Organized Efforts
Generations Of Devoted Reciters
Beginning Unknown
Longevity Decided Historiography