to Culture Individual Mind:
Indian historical literature was
composed with a definite object. Ancient Hindu seers wanted the
history books to impress the minds of individuals in such a way that
they would develop a balanced approach towards life and achieve the
four Purusharthas Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha during their life
time. (The report of the past in the form of stories is called 'Itihas'
history). It is an advice (to the individual) to achieve the
Purusharthas, Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.)
Their studies and long experience had
convinced that the behavior of individuals of such a balanced mental
frame in a society creates peace, prosperity, happiness and
longevity in it. Seers had a conviction that events and anecdotes of
history and the morals derived from them were more effective in
molding the minds of the individuals than were the continuous dates
of events and the names of the authors. That is why one finds a
number of side stories introduced in the main story of the
Mahabharata. It Is not a defect but a useful characteristic of the
epic. That is the Indian way of history writing. It was done with a
definite purpose.